The package reads: Kisenue Doubutsu (Dress the Animals...roughly translated)
The package included two plastic four-legged animals and small pieces of reversible cloth with velcro that had patterns resembling a cow, a cheetah, a tiger, a zebra, and a little band for the mane of a lion.
A zebra (didn't you know that zebras have wiskers?!?) and a tiger....
The reverse side: A cow and a cheetah...
A lion and a tiger....OH MY!!!
The result of a lion and a tiger....ah hmm....a LIGER!!
Oh, the things we do for entertainment on an airplane!
I guess you could have put a PG-13 subtitle...parents strongly cautioned due to some sexual content. ;) Jason must be feeling the call of the wild!
If only Continental had done that for us!
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