Tamagawa Seigakuin - Main Building
There are about 1080 students that go to this school. I see new faces everyday and love getting to smile and wave at each one of them. Sometimes they just stare at me...probably because they aren't too sure what to say or they are just insecure about their English speaking abilities. We teach everyday. Some days the teaching load is lighter than others. Jason teaches J3 and S2 (the equivalent of Freshman and Juniors in High School) and I teach J1 and J2 (the equivalent of 7th and 8th graders). I never thought I would want to teach jr. high students but the Japanese students are really well behaved....for the most part. Some of course like to challenge and push a bit but it is nothing too bad like what I have experienced from some students in the States.
The Summer is beginning now and I am glad to have the time off. However, it doesn't seem that the students get too much time off. I just sat down at my desk and discovered a paper that lays out the student's homework for the summer!! It seems that the Japanese never take a break. So one term down and five more to go! We are enjoying it!
I feel so blessed to have been able to see where you work in person!! I love you!
What a beautiful campus!!!! Looks like a lot of fun.
I'm so glad we got to talk on facebook. What a blessing! Hope you feel more contentment and peace about where you are. Know that you have WADS (i don't think i've ever typed that word) of people praying for you and missing you! Love you lots!
PS...Just so you know...I have tagged you on my blog! Check it out!
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