Divin in! Loved the package stuffing!
Reading the card. Amazing and encouraging words...yes, there were tears. i am sooo blessed to have friends like them! They are two amazing women in my life who always speak truth to me and listen to me! Thank you dear friends for your consistency while I have been here....and the fun skype calls!!! Love you!
The First gift...Lotion! can't find any here!! and when Jen and Eves came to Japan they brought me some! Because of them my skin will stay hydrated! Thanks, ladies!
Jason also liked this gift....well, mostly the rhyme.
Second gift....Stickers...the rhyme...
Get Excited!
Hike up your knickers, cause here's some STICKERS!
Third gift...a BIKE BELL!!! our bikes our are main mode of transportation, second...our feet, third, the trains. the bell has flashy lights too when you ring it! i have the coolest bike bell in all of Japan!
How about a BIKE BELL to keep you humming....
on your new bike so they'll know you're coming!
Fourth gift....FIBER ONE bars. I love these things! And when Jen came to Japan this was another one of my requests....thanks, JEN!
Fifth gift....School of Rock! Oh yeah! I love Jack Blacke.
Be the coolest teacher on your block....
Start your own Japanese School of Rock!!!
sixth gift....COOKIES! Oh how I miss cookies. They were white chocolate macadamia nut! Whenever I would go to Subway with Eves....I would always be tempted by these things and many times...I caved. Thanks, Eves!!
Here are some COOKIES to make your tummy mooshy
So you can tak a break from all the Sushi!
Seventh gift....Mini Mario Game! This thing is fun on the long train rides and the short ones! :)
To play on the trains some Super Mario Brothers
Don't go to sleep like all the others!
Also, thanks to my husband the photographer! P.S. My husband is AMAZING!