Tuesday, October 23, 2007

tribute to the trains

Although circumstances with our jobs are still difficult, we are still loving the time we are having together here in japan. We have had some wonderful food and seen some wonderful things. We have figured out the train system which is a huge feat for any foreigner traveling these parts. We stare at the board that shows the route of the train hoping some how all those Japanese characters will begin to make sense but, as you can probably imagine….they never do and so we hope for the best when we hop on a train. So, considering all of the time and effort and hard earned cash we have used on these trains we would like to give a tribute to the Japan Railways.

Jason took this pic while we were doing what we do on a daily basis….waiting for a train.

We take this train ever day for work and to go into tokyo....

there are few benches and chairs at the station and we walk a lot so any time we get a chance to rest our legs we take it. We often have to stand on the trains because they are so crowded.

a lot of people sleep on the trains and sometimes these sleepers are so out of it that they sleep on you....check out the video below. jason caught it in action.

inside the rain and a cute little girl with bunny ears on

here's the train map posted above the ticket machines

a cute little fella waiting for the train and one is never too young to start text messaging which is a very popular past time while riding the trains in japan.


Emily said...

Oh Abby, your blog looks great! I forgot the URL, so haven't been on it till now. The video of the woman sleeping on you is hilarious! I lol-ed. Miss you.

Krista Sanders said...

This is Krista Sanders-- Evonne's housemate! Your video of the girl falling asleep on you is so cute. You are precious to just let her! Loved it!